Full Custom Package
$70.00 deposit required
Full retouch or transformation from the base of your next line to the top of your head, includes haircut and style!
$70.00 deposit required
Full retouch or transformation from the base of your next line to the top of your head, includes haircut and style!
$60.00 deposit required
Retouch or transformation , starting at the top of your ears to the top of your part line. This includes a haircut & style!
$50.00 deposit required
Same Concept as a mini highlight, but more low maintenance - focusing just around your face and part line. This includes a haircut & style!
$10.00 deposit required
The $15 will go towards your next appointment .
$50.00 deposit required
Color Correction requires a color consultation ahead of time ti insure the desired and best results!
$70.00 deposit required
This package is for those who want to add only depth and dimension back into their hair. Typically meaning we are going darker, but not all over! This includes a haircut and style!
This is to retouch grey coverage- not an all over color. This includes a haircut & style!
Single process color (this cannot be used for an all over blonde.) This includes a haircut & style!
This is for a refresh on a toner when your color might look like it’s dull. This includes a haircut & style!
The $15 will apply to the next service.
This includes taking the row out and re-installing it.
This can be booked 1 or 2 times before a full move up is needed!
This includes taking the row out and re-installing it.
This can be booked 1 or 2 times before a full move up is needed!
This includes taking the row out and re-installing it.
This can be booked 1 or 2 times before a full move up is needed!
This is a hair cut without a wash , still includes a style!
This includes a was and blow dry !
2 Blowouts a month
4 blowouts 1 treatment a month
5 blowout 2 free treatments per month